Queries 3-4 for May 31, 1930


YOUNG—Wanted: Any information concerning the family of YOUNG who were early settlers in Youngville, Robertson county, Tenn. Said village is located in the northern part of Robertson County and is near the Kentucky-Tennessee state line and is perhaps about 35 miles or less from Nashville, Tenn. Correspondence is desired with any descendants of this pioneer family named YOUNG. Did this family in the days of the early settlements migrate from North Carolina to Tennessee? Any information or addresses of descendants will be highly appreciated. Address in care of this department. (J. M. D.)


YOUNG, J. M. D.—May 31, 1939 issue. (Should be May 31, 1930) The following data may be of some assistance as the southern boundary of Christian County, Kentucky borders on Tennessee and the south-eastern corner of said county is about 25 miles almost directly west from Youngville, Robertson County, Tennessee, which is about two miles from the Tennessee-Kentucky line. Prior to 1800 Caleb Lindsey of Christian County, Kentucky married Sarah Young who was believed to be the daughter of John Young. A son of Caleb Lindsey and Sarah Lindsey nee Young was the first Methodist minister in Arkansas. Information furnished by Mary Pamelia Fletcher, State Librarian for the Daughters of the American Revolution for Arkansas, 521 Cumberland Street, Little Rock, Arkansas.


PIKE—Wanted: Information concerning the ancestors also any addresses of any of the descendants of WILLIAM PIKE born in Springfield, Tenn., about 1770. Are there any descendants of the Pike family (who were early settlers) still living in Robertson County, Tenn.? (J. M. D.)